Monday, March 7, 2011

NEAT MONTHLY MEETING - Wednesday at 7 pm

Join us on Wednesday March 9th at 7 pm for the March NEAT meeting.

If you have any items that you would like added the the agenda please feel free to call the NEAT office (860) 346-4845 or email

Many of the problems facing the North End are not unusual for urban neighborhoods but that doesn’t mean that the neighborhood should be passive. If the North End neighborhood is to be a healthy neighborhood it must have good housing for its residents, standards of public safety that encourage children and families to feel safe and thrive, a Main Street that has vitality, and a population of residents and business owners who work collaboratively and actively to ensure that the quality of life on Main Street, above Main Street, and behind Main Street is positive. Participation and resident/stakeholder leadership is the key to creating a strong, self-determining neighborhood that can identify needs, advocate for change, and gain the resources to ensure success. The more people that participate the more power the neighborhood has to make positive changes. Numbers Count.

Childcare is provided.

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