Friday, April 24, 2009


Mark your SUMMER 2009 calendars

Saturday, April 25th: 1/2 day Manchester: Orienteering class on blue trail & NEAT's Earth Day/ PRIDE Clean up Day in the afternoon

Sunday, May 17th: 3/4 day Huebline Tower

Saturday, June 6th: 1/2 day Chauncey Peak and Lamentation

Sunday, June 28th: 1/2 day Devil's Hopyard

Saturday, July 18th: 3/4 day Sleeping Giant

Sunday, August 9th: full day Bear Mountain

August 28th - August 30th: Overnight trip to Mt. Cardigan (more information will be distributed prior to the trip)

Saturday, September 19th: 1/2 day Castle Craig

Sunday, October 11th: TBD

All hikes will begin at 8:00 a.m. and meet in the parking lot of Green Street Arts center. Please call to register for each hike.
Be sure to bring a backpack and wear good hiking shoes for each hike. If you don't have those things, let us know and we may have extras.

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